Sunday, June 12, 2011

Gluten-Free Diet

I'm considering doing a gluten-free diet.  Why gluten-free?  If I was to tell my grandmother this, she would look at me and say I'm just doing it because it's the "in" thing.  But Lord knows I love her! :)  Seriously though, I have noticed over the past few years that I have been tired.  Not a normal tired, almost exhausted.  Some would say, "well, Kam, you do have 2 kids under the age of 3".  And yes, I would have to agree with that.  I've had other symptoms as well.  I've been very bloated - to the point I feel like I'm pregnant (but THANKFULLY I'm not!).  I also just want to feel better and be healthier.

Today, I read an article, "Will a Gluten-Free Diet Improve Your Health?".  This article is great if you're considering going gluten-free.  When I was first considering this, I thought it wouldn't be that hard because we don't eat bread, BUT we do eat pretzels, cheerios (kid's snack), bagels, oatmeal, tortillas, and spaghetti.  I soon realized bread is only a small part of the equation. 

At the very end of the article, there's a section about how gluten free doesn't always equal healthy.  Lately, gluten-free products have been making their way into grocery stores.  Even the Bluffton Wal-mart has gluten-free products (that's when you know it's a big deal :)).  Just like every other packaged product, we need to know what we're eating.  Manufacturers add extra sugar and fat to simulate the texture and satisfying fluffiness that gluten provides.  Basically, you're eating junk.  It's just gluten-free junk!

Bottom line, if I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it 100%.  Here's the question...will it be too hard to stick with?  I don't want to do this if it's going to be an impossible task.  I'm not going to lie, I like my ice cream on occasion.  If I have to cut out everything, then forget it.  I am a firm believer that you have to be on a diet that you can stick with.  And when I say diet, I mean the way one eats...I'm not talking about a diet to loose weight.  If I choose to go gluten-free, it's because I want to be healthier; it has nothing to do with weight.

I think what I'm going to do is give it a trial run.  I'm going to do it for one week and evaluate how I feel.  I need to do more research in regards to what I can and cannot eat.  If I cannot have any sweets at all, then I may have to count myself out :).   I'm going to plan to start it on Tuesday and I'll document how it all goes.  I'm guessing the first few days will be a little hellish! 

Wish me luck!  I'm going to need it! :)

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