Illness has struck the Bear household!!! And what I'm reading from Facebook, it sounds like a lot of you have been battling it too! This brings me ask...what do you do to PREVENT or SHORTEN illness in your home?
For a lot of you, this may sound a little bizarre :). Believe me, when I was growing up, we never tried to prevent illness and when someone was getting ill, we just braced for it, and maybe took some medicine to help us "feel better". But medicine doesn't create health, all it does is covers up the symptoms. NyQuil won't heal us, it'll just not make us feel not-so-crappy.
What if I was to tell you, that you can prevent illness and the severity of sickness? Would you try it? My life has been transformed by the idea of wellness and prevention and I am now a believer. Most non-mainstream people (holistic people, if you will) have known the path to wellness; however, most mainstream individuals (95% of us) ride them off as being crazy! Let me tell you, non-medical intervention WORKS.
If your kids are chronically ill, let me advise you to read, "What's Eating Your Child". We know how important nutrition is; however, when it comes to actually putting good nutrition into practice we fail to do so. Part of that has to do with our access of process food - and in such abundance! Really think how much fruits and veggies your kids are eating? Okay, now think about what they are consuming for their snacks. Are these good, wholesome foods? Do your children not want to eat the food you prepare for dinner, but you feed them food from a box (crackers, Cheerios, granola bars, etc.) because that's all they'll eat. If that's the case, they are not getting the proper nutrition to function and they're cells are not operating at the level they could be - they're operating on sub par fat (not good). Just because you buy food at a store, does NOT mean it should 1) be consumed and 2) it is good for your kids.
Good nutrition is the CORE of staying well.
Okay, now let's say you feel the onset of a cold. What do you do? Nothing? Wrong answer! :) Most of us have heard of Zicam. This is wonderful stuff! Zicam is Zinc, and the purpose of Zinc is to shorten illness. Oh, my friends this works!
Let me tell you what I do when I am faced with illness. This weekend, I could feel myself getting ill. I was instantly on the war path! (Partially because I was home ALONE with the boys that weekend and could not afford to be sick.) Every 2 to 3 hours I took zinc, I doubled up on Juice Plus, took an extra pro biotic, and put drops of colloidal silver in my ears and under my tongue (my ears hurt). I also cut out all dairy and sugar from my diet (diary and sugar suppress the immune system) and I focused on eating and drinking fresh fruits and veggies. If you want your body to work for you, you need to give it good food to give your a body a fighting chance!! This makes sense, don't think?!
I did this for two days and it worked! I felt run down at times, BUT I never stopped pumping my body full of good stuff and I never felt anything more than an onset of a cold. I do the same thing for my kids if I think they're getting ill.
Overall, I feel like we're living better lives! I also feel that most people aren't aware of the natural options out there because we SOOOO dependent on the medicine - which I believe medicine has it's place :). If anyone has questions in regards to this, let me know! I'll answer as best I can! It's time to approach our outlook on healthcare differently so that we may life healthier, better lives!
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