Here was my menu in no particular order:
- Chicken Soup
- Chili Soup
- Chicken Wraps
- Sausage Spinach Pasta
- Chicken Fajitas
I'm not big on freezer cooking, but I know a lot of mom's who are. I feel like I barely have time to make daily meals let alone, extra meals to freeze. From now on, I need to have quick and easy back up meals in place where there's not a lot of prep work. If I don't have a plan in place, I feel overwhelmed and my family doesn't get the best. I'm hoping to freeze some meals in the near future. I also plan to have at least 1 to 2 back up meal a week. When cooking without processed foods it's hard just to have ingredients on hand and/or ingredients that will stay good for an extended amount of time - that is why back up meals need to be planned out on a weekly basis.
I have found that making extra meat and freezing it is very helpful and can be a life saver! Chicken is super easy. I just purchase chicken breasts; put them in a crock pot, shred, and then freeze. If your on a budget, cooking a whole chicken can save some $$$, but make sure you're okay with the dark meat (which I am not a big fan of ;)). If I'm ever making ground beef or sausage, I cook at least 3 pounds at a time and freeze the rest. Freezing meat has saved me quite a bit of time.
Planning is so very important. I find it very helpful for me because I have 2 very young kids. I can't go to the grocery store everyday and get the food I need. I also think planning helps us eat better because I know what we're having that day/night so I don't have to rely on fast food or frozen pizzas.
This is such a learning process for me! I'm definitely learning something new every week!
"When diet is wrong medicine is of no use. When diet is correct medicine is of no need." Ancient Ayurvedic Proverb
Kami, think of freezer cooking as time saving. I simply use one day of the month and write down everything I want to make that day. Start with a plan, get the groceries ahead of time and block off time. If you can have someone watch the kids or have a friend come over to help, it will work. My boys are old enough that they can play while I do this. However, I am quite exhausted. I have not done it with a friend but may try that this summer. It would be so nice to have another set of hands to be continually cleaning up as someone else continues on to the next dish. If you do it 4-5 hours once a month, it will save you so much time in the end. In fact, I can just about get away with doing it every other month.