Saturday, January 14, 2012

Whole Foods Lifestyle and Pregnancy

So, I'm not going to sugar coat this in anyway.  For those of you that don't know, I am currently expecting our 3rd child and I am just about 10 weeks along.  This first trimester has been hell.  I was sick with my other two, but THIS takes the cake.  I'm down about 6 pounds and I throw up constantly.  If you can't find me, I'm in the bathroom probably throwing up.  Oh, and if you see me at the store, please know that I am on a mission to get out ASAP before I up chuck again (why, oh WHY, do grocery stores smell so bad?).  Sounds glamorous, right?

I was hoping I wouldn't get sick this time around.  I thought that maybe our new lifestyle would prevent a lot sickness, but it didn't.  I've found myself compromising on the food I eat.  One thing I LOVE to eat is bread.  While I haven't bought bread for the house, if we ever go out, that is the FIRST think I get, and it stays down and tastes wonderful!  Other things I have bought that aren't apart of our lifestyle are oatmeal and cereal.  I made sure what I purchased was organic and contained no more than 5 ingredients.  HOWEVER, I have noticed that 30 minutes after I'm done eating those items, my digestive system goes haywire.  I get bloated and don't feel good, so I will not be purchasing those items anymore.  It was fun to see little Jackson (3 years) all excited about cereal.  It's so weird to me that he's 3 and he's just getting introduced to it.  Sorry child - the cereal is leaving us!

I guess I don't know what to do anymore.  I'm starving, yet nauseous.  If I eat, it's a gamble on if it'll stay down.  When I eat, I'm miserable.  It's def a challenge to get food to stay in my much of a fight I have to question if I want to even try.

Today was a terrible day, so that's why this post is not very uplifting.  On the bright side, I am blessed with another little baby growing inside me.  I'll take being sick for this child.  One day, though, I'm going to tell him/her the misery he/she put me through :).  It'll be SOOO worth it!

If you think of me, say a prayer.  That's all I have now.  I've tried this and that with no success.  I am at the Lord's mercy :).