Saturday, September 24, 2011


Most probably know that my grandmother has cancer.  She has lived with it for 6 years.  Unfortunately, it looks like the end of the road may be closer than we initially thought.  This week my grandmother went to Mayo Clinic and found the tumors have grown and she has a large mass in her abdomen.  We still don't know what the mass is and they will be making the long journey back to Mayo next week to get more answers.  My grandma is in her early seventies...young in the grand scheme of things.  I hate cancer and the thought of losing her makes me oh, so very sad.

Here's the thing.  I don't believe we are destined to get cancer.  Our environment, the things we eat, the things we come into contact with all play a role.  We are all just one mutation away from cancer.  I don't know about you, but I want to keep my odds low so I am going to do what I can to PREVENT cancer.  This is a huge reason why I do the things I do.  I want my cells to be working FOR ME not against.  It has been proven time and time again, fruit and veggies are SOOO good for us, yet we don't eat them.  We know that working out is good for us, yet we choose not to. We know we need to drink more water, yet we drink sugary soda.  We are looking for other, easy ways to get "healthy" or to loose weight and it's not working.

Let me tell you there is NOTHING my grandma wants then to be well and to have her health back.  She's not ready to leave this word or to leave us.  I don't want her to leave us either...because I love her and she's a wonderful person.  Cancer has motivated me to DO better.  I am going to do what I can to PREVENT this from happening to me.  I'm going to only eat whole foods (God made foods), I'm going to drink more water, eat more fruits and veggies, I'm going to work out, I'm going to cut out house hold cleaning toxins, I'm going to get adjusted regularly, I'm going to make the switch from plastic to glass...all these things I'm going to do because I want to be around for my children.  I want to be around for a long, long, time.  Hopefully, I'll be able to read this post when I'm 120 year old with my husband and we can say, we did the best we could to lead healthy happy lives ;).

Friday, September 23, 2011

Let's Get Healthy!!

Let's Get Healthy!
Let's get healthy America!!  I am totally stoked to get the word out to EVERYONE about the crap they are eating and they don't even know it!  I was at the car dealership today and I would say 90% of the Dealers were obese.  At the dealership they offered free soda and there was a McDonald's right beside them.  A family of four came into the dealership after they grabbed a "snack" of 2 large fries.  The family looked far from healthy.  I say this NOT to judge.  I truly felt sorry for them because I don't think they have a clue what they're doing or know what exactly is going into their bodies - most people think potatoes and oil, but little do they know all the toxins that go into the making of fast food fries.  Well people it's time to get educated!

What Should I Do First?
  • Go into your cabinets and anything you find that says Hydrogenated Oil on it - throw it out.  (Yes, partially hydrogenated oil is the same thing).
    • If you are not buying natural peanut butter, it's time to make the switch! 
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup must go!
  • ANY and ALL artificial sweeteners need not enter your mouth
  • Buy whatever you can locally - if not locally then try to go organic
  • If you don't know what an ingredient it is, or a 6 year old can't pronounce it you shouldn't buy it
  • And my fave, if your great-grandmother didn't eat it you shouldn't either.

If you have very young children and you are implementing this lifestyle change, you will want to leave them at home when you shop for the first time.  You will be AMAZED at the food you can no longer buy.  Some that surprised me were: taco shells, taco seasoning, rolls from the bakery and Ritz crackers.  If you cook with any premixes (cakes, cookies, brownies) or use Hamburger Helper, you are going to have to say bye-bye!  These are LOADED with preservatives.
You'll want to make sure you shop the perimeter of the store.  All the processed food are in the aisles.

Buy TONS of produce.  Buy a variety!  Kale and collard greens are soo good for us.  Pick out an exotic fruit to take home to your kids.  On a side note - if your kids are use to processed foods, they are going to MISS processed foods.  Expect to go through a detox period.  You can gradually take them off as well.  Early this summer, I banned Cheerios's from our house.  Jack STILL asks for them.  He'd rather eat processed product than real food.  Your kids will eat what you available to them.  If you don't have processed food, then they can't eat them and either can you!

Getting Healthy

Can you believe I have the key to getting healthy and loosing weight?!  I sure do.  Today, we have traded WHOLE foods for processed products.  Let's see...who was healthier, our ancestor's or us?  Well, it most certainly is NOT us.  By 2030, it is predicted, that fifty percent of Americans will be obese.  Something is not going right! It's time to go back to whole foods - and that means all the calories and fat that come with it.  Fat doesn't make us fat...artificial food is making us fat...REALLY fat.  Artifical foods are driving our cravings and they are out of control! 

I would like to challenge you, my dear readers.  I want to challenge you to a whole food diet.  When your at the store, ask yourself, "Did God make this?".  As a friend of mine told me, "there are no fruit rollup trees".  I believe we are at a very pivital point.  We are fat, unhealthy and walking around blindly.  Time to WAKE UP!  Time to eat better.  We deserve it and our children deserve to have there parents around...oh wait, we are projected to out live our kids (for the first time in history).  Okay, so our children deserve to have LONG healthy and happy lives.

Have a wonderful weekend!! My local readers...enjoy the Fair!