Friday, August 26, 2011

Hello Fall, Goodbye Fresh Produce

Wow!  Where did our summer go?!  It seems just like yesterday I was so excited about the prospect of Spring, now we're starring straight into the barrel of Fall.  Don't get me wrong, I love fall and all it has to offer.  I love the cooler temps, sweaters, camp fires and especially the thought of the holidays...BUT it's the thought of WINTER that comes AFTER Fall that I don't care for. 

With the end of summer also comes the end of Farmer's Markets and all that wonderful FRESH produce. I was talking to my grandma the other day, and she was telling me how she used to can, everything.  It's hard to imagine not going to the store and having fruit and veggies at your finger tips. And that's how it was back then.  I think canning is somewhat of a lost art.  I wonder how many people actually can today?

Many people may be wondering what the purpose of canning would be.  After all, we do have access to produce year round, PLUS you can buy produce already canned.  Well, I would have to say that locally grown produce is...better.  For example, let's look at tomatoes. Tomatoes are a fairly common fruit to plant for a lot of Americans.  Have you ever picked a tomato straight from the vine?  The full flavor does not even compare to a tomato you'd by at a store.  Or how about a strawberry?  They are SOOO much better if you buy them from a local farmer!  The quality of food you get from a local farmer surpasses anything you could purchase at...ummm, shall I say...Wal-mart? :)  Also, you want to be careful when you buy canned fruit.  Make sure you see what's accompanying the fruit.  Sometimes high fructose corn syrup is added. 

Therefore, friends, I have canned tomatoes, froze 30 pts of  peaches and have 2 bushels of pears riping on my counter.  I have to believe it'll all be worth it.  I want to put away more tomatoes and some green beans, and, come fall, we will be doing applesauce.  I have far from mastered the art of canning, but I hope to soon.  I need a pro to come over and help me!  I do so much better SEEING and DOING rather than just reading!  This desire to can and freeze coincides with my quest to eat better, live better and be healthier.  Sure it's a little more (okay, a LOT more) work, but when it boils down to what's better and HEALTHIER for us, I think the effort is worth it.  After all, convenience foods have only gotten us into trouble...but I don't want to get on that right now! 

This summer I have thoroughly loved eating melons, sweet corn, tomatoes from our plant, and all the fresh produce summer brings...ahhh, I will miss you summer!  It's not over yet though!  Enjoy the delicious-ness of summer dear readers!   Have a happy and Healthy weekend!